Hi! I’m Pippa Hennessy, a writer, publisher, and creative writing workshop facilitator. Since leaving software development in 2008 I’ve pursued a portfolio career in the writing industries, including working for Five Leaves Publications, Nottingham Writers’ Studio, Nottingham UNESCO City of Literature, First Story and Writing East Midlands. I was awarded a BA (Hons, First Class) in Creative and Professional Writing in 2013 and an MA (Distinction) in Creative Writing in 2020. My poems inspired by quantum theory were selected by Soundswrite Press for inclusion in Take Three, a collection of three emerging poets published in 2019. I am currently exploring digital poetry. [see more]
Thank you for visiting my website. I set it up in 2023 to showcase my writing and my freelance work – I hope you find something to interest you on these pages. Please do comment on my blog posts, get in touch if you want to know more about me and what I do (or just want to say hello).
The serotine is one of the UK’s largest bat species and one of the first to appear in the evening. It flies at treetop height and around lamp posts. Serotines tend to roost and hibernate in older buildings and chimneys. The serotine has long, dark brown fur. It has a distinctive flight pattern with a slow flapping motion and short glides, often making steep descents.
Find out more about UK bats at bats.org.uk
“You need more images,” she says. I have no idea what sort of images she means.
Pictures of me? “No.”
Pictures of people writing? “No, probably not.”
So what then? “How about Lego models you’ve made?”
That’ll certainly give me plenty of material to work with. Lego is one of my more long-lasting special interests. I love making physical objects (e.g. filling the house with origami models a couple of years back), and Lego models are so clever and so gorgeous…
That’s why there are pictures of Lego scattered around this website. Just in case you were wondering.