Waltz (text-only)

I have a
leg full of
bites—this one
how do they
know to bite
only this
leg? it’s the
leg the cat
snuggles so
less far to
travel the
searching for
answers leaves
me in a
so deep in-
side me my
atoms my
protons my
neutrons el-
ectrons in-
side them ex-
otic beasts
shimmy ap-
pearing and
pairing and
parting ap-
pearing and
pairing and
parting ap-
pearing and-
pairing and
parting and
one two three
one two three
one two three
steps are ob-
scure I just
follow and
don’t ask those
questions ex-
otics con-
tinue their
dance and the
fleas keep on biting…